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There was a guy, an artist, he sat on the stairs at union square. He was wearing corduroy trousers writing in his notebook.


He looked special. You could tell he choose his cloths with care. Each item had something special, a specific pattern or colour, and all together it looked mesmerizing, we just wanted to speak to him. He was slightly shy but interested in what we were doing. I never forget his face, he had this beautiful feminine quality about him. He was wearing this one purple earring, just one.


He told us he was working on a project in a factory in collaboration with the workers there, telling us all about the process and what a great experience this was for him. He had trouble writing a funding application to support the project. Because we have experience with this we could give him free advice. #embassyofgoodwill #onehouroffreehelp


This project has received funding through a grant from the Netherland- America-Foundation

This program is supported as part of the Dutch Culture USA program by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York.

The reputation of the Netherlands is partly saved by; 

Bas Toonen, H.B. Rouw, Marion Leupen, H. Doornbos,  Daphne Rieken, Erik den Hapel en Marijn van Oosten

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