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Marieke Warmelink

Marieke Warmelink (°1977, Rotterdam NL) is a performance artist interested in international relations, parliamentary systems and the underlying motives of the decision-making. Warmelink questions leadership and offers alternatives, a combination of disciplines including painting, performance and installation.


The work of Warmelink is shaping examples of alternative leadership based on the voice of the public. Through performances and interaction with her surrounding, Warmelink researches, analyzes, and maps out the needs of different cultures and political systems.


Warmelink has shown in art, performance and theatre venues a.o.: Extraterritoriality - parallel event of the Istanbul Biennial 2015, Investigation Dutch Identity - Art Rotterdam 2015, The King’s Secret - Perdu-  Amsterdam,  Royal Practice Ceremony – Royal Palace the Dam - Amsterdam, The Battle of the King - De Balie- Amsterdam, Husband for a day - W139- Amsterdam, Crowning - Month of Performance Art - Berlin, Democratic Kumpir -IPA International Performance Association - Istanbul, Embassy of Goodwill  - AIOP 2014  performance festival - New York,  The proposition –Equilibrium Partapur- India, Man in Pak - Kunstvlaai – Amsterdam, Acha Dina, -Waldenpodenakademie - Mainz, Germany, We Refugees - Salon 2060 - Antwerp, Belgium


Warmelink has participated in several international residencies of which most recent with The proposition in Partapur, India, Shared Voices, Mixer, Istanbul, Turkey and Shifting office, local vessel, mau mau, Istanbul, Turkey. Furthermore she gave guest lectures/workshops and studio visits to ArtEZ University, Zwolle, The Netherlands, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Shiv Nadar Univerity, department of Art Design, and performing arts, school of humanities and social science, Delhi, India.



Domenique Himmelsbach de Vries

Doménique Himmelsbach de Vries (°1983, Amsterdam NL) reflects on social issues with humor and interaction. His art practice operates in the middle of society. By offering help, making monuments for alternative histories and by using populist politicians as a bridge between art and a public who are not interested in art.


One of his recent projects is With this online gallery, inspired on the Dutch controversial rightwing politician, Doménique brings art to “the people” and researches what we can learn from his populist approach. Doménique is currently working on several Monuments for Okay People. These projects propose how we as human beings should translate the temporal liking from the digital domain to concrete hommages in public space.  


Doménique studied at the ‘No Academy’ a postgraduate program and Laboratory for Art and Society, after graduating at the Fine Art department at ArtEZ University, Zwolle, The Netherlands.




This project has received funding through a grant from the Netherland- America-Foundation

This program is supported as part of the Dutch Culture USA program by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York.

The reputation of the Netherlands is partly saved by; 

Bas Toonen, H.B. Rouw, Marion Leupen, H. Doornbos,  Daphne Rieken, Erik den Hapel en Marijn van Oosten

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